Sila Circles

An Evidence Based Inquiry into the foundations of islam and the nature of truth

Our world is no longer simple.

In today's fast-paced world, we're confronted with new information and ideas every day.
This makes it hard to find solid ground, especially when trying to understand life's big truths.

Sila Circles aims to provide concrete support behind your conviction for already believing Muslims, and sets out to provide a holistic argument for the truth of Islam for those who are in doubt.

If you're looking for a clear path through, start here.
Why islam is true

Our Courses

Your journey to clarity and connection.

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At SILA, our mission is to provide clarity in a world saturated with information. We recognise that the modern era has made it increasingly challenging for individuals to discern truth from noise. Our approach is to shine a light on the foundational tenets of Islam, presenting them in a comprehensive, evidence-based manner.

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why islam is true

the first step in understanding

Join our weekly evening classes, where we embark on an evidence-based inquiry into the nature of truth. These interactive sessions, lasting two hours each, are structured in a classroom setting and designed to engage you in a meaningful exploration of Islam. Our ultimate aim? To help you confidently declare, understand, and experience why Islam is True.

why muhammad is god's messenger

the next step in the journey

This course takes a close look at Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his divine mission. We will study first, the evidence of the Prophet’s existence, then as a follow on to the step 1 course (Why Islam is True), we explore why he is God’s final messenger using analytical techniques to analyse history.