Welcome to SILA

At SILA, our mission is to provide clarity in a world saturated with information. 

We recognise that the modern era, with its rapid advancements and countless perspectives, has made it increasingly challenging for individuals to discern truth from noise. Our approach is to shine a light on the foundational tenets of Islam, presenting them in a comprehensive, evidence-based manner.

Established by a passionate team of scholars, researchers, and educators, we are dedicated to creating an environment where inquisitive minds can come together. Our sessions, grounded in reputable sources, aim to provide answers to those searching for spiritual, historical, and intellectual insights about Islam.

Our name, SILA, symbolises the connection and unbreakable bond within our community. We invite you to join our community, share your thoughts, and embark on this enlightening journey with us.

Our Journey towards Connection

This is what we are doing now

After successfully exploring the tenets of Islam, we're now journeying towards understanding the profound role of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Our new course, "Why Muhammad is God's Messenger", is designed to shed light on the life, teachings, and divine mission of the Prophet.

Through a blend of historical accounts, theological insights, and engaging discussions, we aim to uncover the essence of his message and its lasting impact on the world.


This is our first milestone

Our initial offering, "Why Islam is True", has laid the foundation in exploring and understanding the core principles of Islam.

On <insert date here>, we successfully launched the first Why Islam is True course. Its success marked our first milestone, but our journey doesn't end here.

After that, we have successfully run four more cohorts. <insert some details about the cohorts here>

This is how we got started

Our inception can be traced back to a group of dedicated scholars, thinkers, and visionaries who were driven by a shared passion for authentic Islamic knowledge.

Recognising the need for an evidence-based approach to understanding Islam in an increasingly complex world, the founding team laid the groundwork for Sila Circles.

With a commitment to rigorous research, open dialogue, and community engagement, our platform serves as a beacon for those seeking genuine insights into the faith.


Contact Us

Reach out and connect

We value the voices, questions, and insights of our community. Whether you have inquiries about our courses, suggestions for future topics, or simply want to share your experiences with our courses, we're here to listen.

Please use the contact form below or reach out to us directly at silacircles@gmail.com

Your thoughts and feedback are essential in shaping a brighter, more informed future.

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